Friday, February 1, 2013

How to get started

I have gotten tons of messages, emails and comments asking me, "How did you get started?" Well I woke up one day sick of what I saw in the mirror. I was putting on my size 20 work pants and they barely zipped and buttoned and I refused to go into a 22. I had a gym membership I was paying for and went 1-2 times a week with my sister but it wasn't enough. I was blessed with having an amazing support system. The trainer I had for my first 10 months of my journey I will never be able to thank enough.

We set a time every morning to meet. There is no way I would miss a session if  he was taking his time out to help me by doing research, packing his equiptment and meeting me somewhere. Some days were better than others. I swore ALOT. I cried, often. I shed a lot of blood and sweat but after every workout not once did I say I regretted doing it.

We changed up the routines weekly. Heavy lifting, running, cardio drills, kick boxing, new exercises that would challenge me. We did TRX, Interval Training on the treadmill, a spin bike, ellipticals for time and for distance. In 9 months I never did the same workout twice.

I walked away from ALL fast food. I literally did not stop at Taco Bell, McDonald's, Wendy's or anywhere else for over 45 days. By the time I had it again it made my stomach hurt so badly. I learned how to meal prep. I would cook for 4-5 days at a time and sometimes it got repetative but I lost weight. I took pictures and measured on the first of every month and continue to push myself.

Like in an earlier blog I made goals. My trainer challanged me to drop 8lbs in 8 days for a new pair of running shoes. You bet your ass I got those shoes and wore them out in less then 3 months because I made a goal to run 144 miles in the month of June and crushed it! Life is about what you make it. If you think of exercising and changing your eating habits as the end of the world, it will feel that way. Give it a chance. You never know what you and your body are capable of until you push it to it's limits. Your head will give in before your body does. Your body was made to withstand so much more than many are willing to push it to. I know it isn't easy and I am not telling you you need to spend 2-3 hours in the gym daily like I did. But do not expect to drop 50 lbs in a month. Lose it slowly and make changes for LIFE so that you do not have to start over again.

This is a lifestyle change- not a short term diet. Daily exercise, making good choices in the kitchen and making personal time for yourself can never be a bad thing. It is a matter of how badly you want it. If you have to start small that is OK. Everyone is different. No two people are the same and will go through the same struggles. As long as you do not give up and know you are giving your best you will see changes. In order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than your consume. This means time spent in the gym + when your body is at rest. Getting your metabolism working again is one of the best ways to kick start weight loss and especially fat loss versus muscle loss.

One of the best quotes to this day I still use is, "Wake up with Determination, go to bed with Satisfaction".

It is a journey. You can have cheat meals, treats, vacations and off days. This is your LIFE. Do not feel you have to sacrifice everything because if you do you will fall off the wagon and not reach your full potential. Just realize those things are temporary and this life is forever!

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