Monday, February 25, 2013

Carb cycling - giving it a go!

Happy Monday everyone!
I'll be posting more blogs this week with recipes and on Friday an update of my Feb progess from the no junk food, 2-a-day cardios, challenges and new meal plan Shaun put me on.
Today I start carb cycling. My body is very stubborn and we have had to find something to change and carb cycling has worked before, I did it to a small degree about a year ago. Shaun carb cycled for his last show and had success and felt it would work for me. (if you want a meal plan focused on carb cycling we are now offering those too!) And I have gotten lots of questions on Instagram and my personal FB from friends/family asking what carb cycling is. I found a resource online that can break it down for you and give you an insight into what it is and how it works.
Now let me say that I am NOT saying that everyone should do this. This is what works for my body and I will only be doing it for 3-4 weeks. At around 3.5 weeks I start to plateau and need to change up my eating habits and workouts. Today I hit week 4 so this is the change we decided would be best for my body. I will always tell you that you should research for yourself and make sure this is something that is right for you. Every person's body is different and this might not be the right choice for you, and that's ok!

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